Clogged Arteries: Signs to Watch Out For

Having a healthy heart is the key to living a long life.  And, the health of this organ begins with the arteries. Without a fully-functioning system of arterial vessels, the blood cannot be delivered to the organs in an effective way.  Therefore, it is critical that our lifestyles support the health of these blood vessels.

Clogged arteries are linked to the development of many health conditions, some of which are potentially life-threatening.  Among these are stroke, cardiovascular disease, and heart attack. Also, plethora of ailments can arise from clogged arteries, such as chronic pain, vision loss, and arthritis.  While detecting clogged arteries is quite difficult, it is possible to identify them as a symptom.  By recognizing any of these signs, we have the chance to seek medical attention before any health condition arises.

Silent Signs of Clogged Arteries

1. Erectile Dysfunction

According to WebMD, Erectile Dysfunction indicates that some of the blood vessels on that path are not in ideal health.  Scheduling a doctor visit is a good idea, at least as a precaution.

2. Ear Creases

Medical reports have outlined ear creases as one of the silent signs of coronary heart disease (CHD). Specifically, an ear crease that runs from the ear canal to the lower edge of the earlobe.

This is a controversial sign of clogged arteries, even though it may be worth scheduling a checkup. Ear creases can also be yet another physical sign of aging, which is normal.

3. Discomfort or Pain of the Legs and Feet

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is an accumulation of cholesterol and plaque that can happen in the extremities. It often results in discomfort in the feet and legs, which in turn may limit the ability to walk. In more severe cases, PAD may result in loss of a limb.

Simple tests like checking the pulse of the feet can identify arterial conditions like PAD. Sometimes, the doctor will do a screening that determines the amount of blood flow to the ankle.  People that experience frequent tiredness or pain in the legs should be checked for PAD.  Again, smokers are at increased risk of PAD and other cardiovascular problems.

4. Calf Pain

Arteriosclerosis is a term used to describe the thickening and hardening of the arterial walls. It is also likely to block the arteries responsible for transportation of blood to the legs, leading to pain in one or both calves.

Smokers are at increased risk of developing this condition compared to non-smokers.  Luckily, it is very reversible! Eating less animal products and more plant-based foods can go a long way in reversing claudication.

5. Lower Back Pain

The arteries of the lower back are the first ones to accumulate plaque, which results in lower back pain as one of the first signs of artery blockage.  It occurs when reduced blood flow to the back weakens that disks, causing pinched nerves and painful herniated disks.

This is a very common issue these days, with 10 percent of the population demonstrating advanced blockages in their lower back by the age of 20.  According to a study done by the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, people suffering from chronic back pain are more prone to developing clogged lumbar arteries.

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